Archive for July, 2009



Summer is here. My blogging will become less frequent. I haven’t forgotten you. I’m just busy relaxing. With my children. It will soon be over.

Two hundred and twenty-one years ago in London, when King George IV was a young prince aged 26, you could watch a public execution following by burning. At about the same time visitors could pay to tour a lunatic asylum and view the inmates (Prince George’s father, George III, was not among them – he […]

Plinth is such a engaging word. It could be a member of a royal family with a speech impediment: The Clown Plinth. Or a fairytale: Plinth Charming. If you say it four times in a row quickly: plinth plinth plinth plinth… you can imagine a panoramic view of Trafalgar Square, where for the next few […]

Secret lives


James Bond is on Facebook. He has 19 friends. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is there too, but with only 13 friends he is less popular than 007. Mahmoud is also on Linked In. When I looked at his profile it turned out that “you and this Linked In user don’t know anyone in common”. In fact almost […]

From my hiding place I watched the postman. He was whistling a jolly tune. When he noticed that the box in the porch was missing he hesitated. He stopped whistling and tried to pile up the letters in the space where the box used to be. The letters slipped off the shelf. He caught them […]