Archive for September, 2012



“I’m going into Norwich this morning,” I said to Mrs R. before she went to work. “Is there anything you need?” “No, but you could get started on the Christmas shopping,” she nonchalantly replied. What? It’s only September! There was a pause. “Well, actually I’m only really going in for a dental appointment. I wasn’t […]

The light went out in the kitchen. That doesn’t happen very often these days. Modern bulbs last a lot longer than the old ones, especially with the dodgy wiring here at Southfork. I went to look for another bulb. Modern bulbs are more expensive than the old ones, so we don’t carry a very large […]



If I choose a selection of music to listen to on my phone, it helpfully tells me the sequence number of the track in the selection I have made. For example, on an album of 12 songs it might show that I am listening to “1 of 12” when the first track is playing. This […]

It was raining hard. I needed to go to the shops. I didn’t want to get wet so I put on my long brown raincoat and my wide brimmed brown leather hat. Just before I walked out of the door I turned to Mrs R and innocently asked, “will I look stupid wearing this if […]

In Britain your choice of newspaper says something about you. You might be a Guardian-reader or a Sun-reader or someone-who-takes-the-Daily-Mail-website-seriously. In some people’s eyes (usually people in marketing and communication jobs) these labels define your political views, your income, the interior decoration of your home and your attitude to the opposite sex. Today the newspaper […]

Sense check


Recently I was involved in a recruitment process. I was impressed that we have so many tools to measure intelligence (IQ), emotional understanding and empathy (EQ), personality types, skills and educational attainment. But as far as I can tell no one has invented a tool to measure common sense. Common sense is usually identified by […]