The art formerly known as Plinth


Plinth is such a engaging word.

It could be a member of a royal family with a speech impediment: The Clown Plinth.

Or a fairytale: Plinth Charming.

If you say it four times in a row quickly: plinth plinth plinth plinth… you can imagine a panoramic view of Trafalgar Square, where for the next few weeks the fourth plinth is home to a new work of art.

With time on my hands I contemplated making an application to participate. But I’m too lazy to become a piece of art. I prefer to observe.

I’ve been watching the plinth through the web feed. Tomorrow I’m planning to have a look at it live. Maybe you will catch me on the webcam.

Hopefully at least one participant is planning to take to the plinth with a laptop and watch themselves being the work of art observing the work of art. That’s what I would have done if I had not been so slothful.

Art observing itself. It would be like the Pink Panther and the vacuum cleaner.

6 Responses to “The art formerly known as Plinth”

  1. 1 ann at Aviva

    Have they done a risk assessment – being divebombed by incontinent pigeons…..

    • 2 alexoutside

      I noticed that one of the helpers swept the plinth between acts…

  2. 3 Doodle

    Plinth is a great word isn’t it. Along with Pilchard it is one I always challenge people to in BS Bingo.

    ‘In the words of Plinthy the younger…’ is the most creative use I’ve heard so far.

    • 4 alexoutside

      Didn’t Shakespeare write a play “King Pilchard the Second”? I’m sure I could find a handy quotation to go alongside Plinthy. 🙂

  3. 5 Mrs R

    It would be as much like Pink Panther and the vacuum cleaner as infinity is like nothing.

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