Facing up


We are now one week into NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month to its full name. The aim of the month is to help aspiring novelists by giving them a specific aim: to write a 50,000 word novel between the 1st and 30th of November. That is just 1,667 words a day.

There are local NaNoWriMo support groups and events. There is a website where you can log your progress and chat with other aspirant novelists.

The idea is that a concrete target and a hard deadline will end procrastination and overcome blockages.

It is also the month of Movember, when men can choose to grow a moustache to raise money for charity and raise awareness of male health issues.

If you haven’t seen many men with scruffy looking proto-‘taches, it is probably because they are shut in their homes tapping away at their laptops.

So far I am just 11,293 words behind my NaNoWriMo target. I have also shaved my upper lip five times this month… But I am comfortable with the fact that I am lacking in self-discipline and a bit too self-conscious for effective creativity and efficient fund-raising. I am also unable to meet an arbitrary deadline.

5 Responses to “Facing up”

  1. I’d have liked to have tried my hand at that but my creative juices seem to be lacking… my muse has abandoned me.

  2. 4 Mike S

    As the late, great Douglas Adams said:-
    “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

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