Chapter 19


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Ludovic could see that Belacar wasn’t convinced. The detective had sat back in his chair and folded his arms as the archaeologist tried to explain.

“It’s all very circumstantial,” interrupted Belacar eventually. “You are saying that the Osborne Reynolds institute is somehow connected to a vague event that may have taken place nearby, perhaps four hundred years ago.”

“I know it sounds unlikely,” Ludovic nodded,”but the dark hood and the badge around the neck are both very similar to our finds.”

“Similar, yes. But our ‘finds’ are modern pieces of evidence in the unexplained death of someone in the last ten years, or even in the last six months if Professor Flatt is correct in saying that they have only used the embossed badges since the earlier this year. I don’t see how your historical events can be relevant unless the place of burial has some significance.”

“Well we are not going to know if the position of the skeleton is significant unless find out more from the Professor.”

Belacar sat up straight in his chair. “The Professor, or rather one of her assistants, has sent me a list of their clients and a list of companies who might be interested in the work that they are doing.” He looked directly at Ludovic. “At the moment I’ve got a team of people researching those organisations to see if there are any unexplained missing persons associated with any of them. If and when we find a missing person, we will have some facts to help us have a more focused discussion with Professor Flatt. Until then, your can talk to her if you want, but it has to be a conversation about history and archaeology.  She doesn’t know about the bones and I don’t want her to find out more until I choose to tell her.”

The detective swivelled in his chair and reached for the computer keyboard on the desk. Ludovic stood up.

“Can I talk to her about science, as well as history?” He asked.

Belacar gave a short laugh, “she’s probably more interested in talking about money.”

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